
Fence line same, heart different

“I believe there’s a day ahead for us when the fence line looks the same but our hearts are different.  Our hearts are alive.  They know where to turn when the fence line catches their attention.  They know their maker and they rest where they are.”- Sara Hagerty

“The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”- Psalm 16:6 (NIV)

As Sara Hagerty moves on in Chapter 1 of The Gift of Limitations, she notes that your fence line isn’t merely the marker of what isn’t.  Because your fence line also serves to direct your attention toward what’s inside it.  Something that makes staying worth it.  Mostly.

Therefore, Sara underscores that these book pages assist us in:

” . . . remembering where we started and honoring where we find ourselves today — for finding life and exhilaration within the boundary lines God has given us, for finding them right where we are within the fence line.”

Yet, we waffle and forget.  As a result, we study our fence line and what is on the other side.  And we do so more often than we fall into the silky grass of the field we’ve been given — expecting a soft landing.

Consequently, Sara invites, look back at your limitations.  Above all, look back with intentionality.  Determine to become more Christ’s — and more of yourself — in the midst of those limitations.  Not in spite of them.

In conclusion, Sara states, the ache of our wants, the ache of our limits hems us into one narrative. Certainly, the author acknowledges, we all:

  • know our boundaries.
  • study them in the recesses of our minds during the free minutes of our day.
  • live boundarized — even as we push against the limits, we know it.
  • live mostly dissatisfied, because the vaporous nature of too much bloats us; yet we reach for what’s being served at the next table.

Today’s question:  What Bible verses make your heart different, even though your boundaries remain the same?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Far better things ahead”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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