
The sigh of life = surrender

“Surrender is the sigh of life.  It’s the moment . . . when the Holy Spirit overshadows and you’re able to say, ‘Not my will, but yours, Lord.’ . . .  The simplicity of letting go . . . is one of the most complicated parts of our walk with God.  Surrender is fiercely powerful for the human soul, and yet it sometimes comes in a whisper, a kick of dust at the gravesite, a mere moment when what felt to be an immovable part of us could new relinquish.”- Sara Hagerty

Sara Hagerty concludes Chapter 6 of The Gift of Limitations with her observation that the death God invites us into involves an exchange.  An exchange that often provides clarity about our dreams and desires.  Above all, Sara stresses, through every cloud we face God wants us to unlearn something.  This is the process of surrender.

Most significantly, Sara encourages, the God who created emotions invites you to grieve with Him.  Furthermore, He invites you to be held as you grieve.  Yet, we also live in the tension of choosing a long and quiet obedience, and obedience that happens over time as we grow in God, and praying for an instant miracle.

In addition, the author states, surrender:

  • makes a child of me and you.
  • turns grown men into boys still needing Someone to father them.
  • reimagines the fence line.
  • is no longer an electric fence buzzing ominously; it’s just a line on the horizon — we feel freedom in that space.
  • invites peace of soul.is wildly supernatural, often coming after a long obedience in the same direction.

In conclusion, Sara offers these words of hope:

“As George MacDonald said, ‘With every morn my life afresh must break.’  And when I let it, when I let Him break it, He gives me His peace in the exchange.  And the night — the dark — becomes where I fall asleep in His peace.”

Today’s question: Do you agree with Sara that surrender is the sigh of life?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog:” “Bright and strong and splendid”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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