All posts in " agape love "

Plutoed so often – skittish, jumpy

By Dave Henning / July 31, 2022

“Your goodness can’t win God’s love.  Nor can your badness lose it.  But you can resist it.  Having been Plutoed so often, we fear God may Pluto us as well.  Rejections have left us skittish and jumpy.”- Max Lucado “Yet the LORD set his heart in love on your fathers and chose their offspring after […]


Agape love forgives, offers patience

By Dave Henning / March 19, 2020

“Agape love writes the check when the balance is low, forgives the mistake when the offense is high, offers patience when stress is abundant, and extends kindness when kindness is rare.  Agape love gives.”- Max Lucado “This is love: not that we loved God, but the He loved us and sent his Son as an […]

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