All posts in " Amy Carmichael "

Metaphorical bleachers – life spectators

By Dave Henning / October 24, 2021

“Yes, we all have metaphorical bleachers, and there are people sitting upon them, spectators of your life.  Like it or not, you have an audience.  It includes kind an loving people. . . .  But there are  other Bleacher People, unhelpful critics who seem to habitually misunderstand you, doubt you, test you, or passive-aggressively critique […]


Give me love that leads the way

By Dave Henning / December 11, 2019

“Give me love that leads the way,/ The faith that nothing can dismay,/ The hope no disappointments tire,/ The passion that will burn like fire,/ Let me not sink to be a clod:/ Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God.”- Amy Carmichael (1867-1951) In his Introduction to What If . . . God Has Other […]


Blessing received – poured out on others

By Dave Henning / August 2, 2019

” . . . a conviction that blessing received must be poured out on others, that the light that runs through the pages of Scripture is for all the families of the earth, that God’s shine is most often clearly perceived in practical acts of mercy.”- Tina Boesch “You are a chosen race, a royal […]

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