All posts in " atrophy "

An artificial world numbs the soul

By Dave Henning / August 13, 2020

“Living your days in an artificial world is like living your whole life with gloves on, a filtered experience, never really feeling anything.  Then you wonder why your soul feels numb.  We are looking for more of God. . . .  God inhabits the world he made; his vibrancy permeates all creation.”- John Eldredge “The […]


Appropriately challenged- plus

By Dave Henning / October 14, 2015

Today Bill Hybels discusses the third foundational alignment to filter our former, or any potentially future job, through. 3.  Challenge.  Pastor Hybels observes that operating at the optimal challenge level brings the deepest job satisfaction.  He asks: “At which challenge level do you thrive?  The logical answer would seem to be “appropriately challenged.”  Wrong. When people […]

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