All posts in " authenticity "

Authenticity trumps authority

By Dave Henning / July 3, 2023

“Demands come across as entitled. . . .  A simple please levels the playing field.  It will get y0u further than your title, your rank, or your credentials.  Authenticity trumps authority, like a royal flush.  The word please demonstrates a posture of humility, and no one did it better than Jesus.”- Mark Batterson “Let this […]


Attachment and authenticity

By Dave Henning / June 4, 2023

“People have two needs: attachment and authenticity.  When authenticity threatens attachment, attachment trumps authenticity.”- Gabor Mate, psychiatrist and trauma specialist “God designed us to instinctively know in our bodies that we need the care of others.  And if we don’t get that support — especially in our childhood years — we take whatever we can […]


Live unaffected by the world?

By Dave Henning / October 23, 2022

“It’s almost impossible to live unaffected by the world.  So many influences roll into our lives.  Like the ocean’s tide, they crash in and move out, each time washing away more and more of our shoreline.”- Timothy D. Willard “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I […]


Prophesying our praise – keeping perspective

By Dave Henning / January 21, 2020

“One of the best ways to keep our sense of perspective is by prophesying our praise.  It’s not just praising God for what He has already done, past tense.  It’s praising God by faith for what He will do, future tense.  Instead of focusing on your circumstances, it’s declaring the character of God, the promises […]

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