All posts in " beeline "

The aerial view – only God has it

By Dave Henning / May 20, 2020

“God has the aerial view.  He sees what is around every bend in your life, and he goes before us. . . .  if we really sit back and consider that this could be true, trusting that God sees what’s ahead of us, we could start to find the peace and rest that we’ve been […]


A beeline for the cross

By Dave Henning / June 2, 2016

“I take my [biblical] text and make a beeline for the cross.”- Charles Haddon Spurgeon In Chapter 7 (“Factory Reset”) of If, Mark Batterson emphasizes that “if you fear God, you have nothing else to fear.”  All your other fears are served an eviction notice, because it is impossible for fear to coexist with the perfect love […]

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