All posts in " behavior "

Good excuses rarely collect dust

By Dave Henning / January 31, 2019

“You’ve first got to decide that you can be free (from anger).  They you’ve got to quit using your story as an excuse.  The problem is that good excuses rarely collect dust.  We use them and use them and use them.”- Andy Stanley Andy Stanley concludes Chapter 7 of Enemies of the Heart as he […]


Belief always precedes behavior

By Dave Henning / March 14, 2018

“Belief always precedes behavior. . . .  To change the way a person responds to life, change what a person believes about life.  The most important thing about you is your belief system.”- Max Lucado Maxx Lucado continues Chapter 2 of Anxious for Nothing as he notes that the apostle Paul in each of his […]

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