All posts in " blueprint "

Brushes with God: the blueprint

By Dave Henning / May 23, 2024

“My heart was full because God gave me context for my limitations.  I saw the blueprint: this was meant to be.  Brushes with God do that.  They settle us . . . give us perspective.  They bring confusion into order and make sense of what feels senseless.”- Sara Hagerty (emphasis author’s) “Beloved, do not be […]


Shine through the scars

By Dave Henning / May 22, 2024

“We celebrate you’d look at him and never know when perhaps God intended His light to shine through the scars. . . .  When we bump up against that fence, you’d look at him and never know is challenged.  What if God intends for you to look at him and know, . . to see […]


God ideas change the course of history

By Dave Henning / April 25, 2021

I’d rather have one God idea than a thousand good ideas.  Good ideas are good, but God ideas change the course of history.  How do you get God ideas?  Prayer is a good place to start.  Praying is a form of dreaming and dreaming is a form of praying.  When you get a God ideas, […]

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