All posts in " Caleb "

At your point of need, sow a seed

By Dave Henning / February 4, 2020

“Sometimes you have to sow a seed at your point of need.  One reason is that it takes your eyes off your problems!   When you focus on others, it puts your problems in perspective.  And don’t be surprised if a blessing comes out of nowhere.”- Mark Batterson “Sow your seed in the morning, and […]


The God- drenched mind

By Dave Henning / January 11, 2016

“The God- Drenched Mind” is the title of Chapter 14 of Glory Days.  Max Lucado begins by debunking any wishful thoughts of a problem-free life.  Max quips that it is not likely, albeit faintly possible, that pigs might fly or that men might surrender the remote control.  However, you shouldn’t hold your breath in expectation of […]

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