All posts in " consecrate "

Consecrate ourselves to God = our job

By Dave Henning / April 20, 2021

“How you do anything is how you’ll do everything.  We want to do amazing things for God, but that isn’t our job.  Our job is to consecrate ourselves to God.  Then God does amazing things in us.  It starts with the fourth habit — fly the kite.  It’s doing the little things like they’re big […]


Lion chasers step up

By Dave Henning / October 15, 2016

“But when others give up, lion chasers step up.”- Mark Batterson “Consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am the Lord your God.”- Leviticus 20:7 Mark Batterson begins Chapter 10 (“The Lion’s Den”) of Chase the Lion by observing that we celebrate Benaiah because he came out of the lion’s den alive.  However, while that’s […]

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