All posts in " Dallas Willard "

From the didactic to the personal

By Dave Henning / June 9, 2024

“If we talk to God through His Word and from our pain over our limitations, the Word moves from the didactic, which can shift the mind for a bit but rarely changes the heart, to the personal. . . .  This interchange. . . often . . . starts very small . . . with […]


Take offense = zero-sum game

By Dave Henning / July 20, 2023

“When you take offense, you stop playing offense.  Your defense mechanisms kick in, and you start protecting your ego at all costs.  It becomes a zero-sum game, and no one really wins.  If you want to experience the miraculous, you have to offer forgiveness.”- Mark Batterson “The true saint burns grace like a 747 burns […]


Loving attachment to God

By Dave Henning / January 10, 2023

“Changing character, as far as the brain is concerned, means attaching in new and better ways. . . .  Salvation through a new, loving attachment to God that changes our identities would be a very relational way to understand our salvation.  We would be both saved and transformed through attachment love from, to, and with […]


Abandonment to God – our posture

By Dave Henning / July 13, 2021

“Abandonment to God . . . means relinquishing ‘our way.’  It means not being angry or resentful when things do not go our way.  It means that in God’s hands we are content for him to take charge of outcomes.  And in that posture we make way for him to occupy our lives with us, […]


Spiritual peaks and pits – lots of them

By Dave Henning / June 30, 2021

In your journey through the CHRIST stages of faith you’ll experience lots of spiritual peaks and pits.  Everyone’s experience is unique, but generally mature disciples of Jesus are likely to experience two high points separated by a valley. . . .  Surprisingly, our lows as well as our highs are expressions of God’s grace and […]


Blessed people flourish – bless people

By Dave Henning / June 5, 2021

“Blessed people flourish by a power that transcends human talent or hard work.  They have a mystical grace at work in their hearts that makes them effective and joyful. . . .  they’re confident of their value and sure they can make a difference in the world.  That’s why blessed people bless people.”- Alan Wright […]


The cost of discipleship and non-discipleship

By Dave Henning / October 15, 2019

“The cost of discipleship is real, but the cost of non-discipleship is a life that never improves and stays stuck in relational breakdown and personal strife.”- Bob Merritt As Bob Merritt continues Chapter 1 of Done With That, he observes that it’s hard to let certain little annoyances  go for the sake of relationships.  Furthermore, […]


False narratives about God – the need to confront

By Dave Henning / June 20, 2019

“We can’t move forward unless we also confront the false narratives we have about God and allow him to tell us the truth.  Dallas Willard says we always live what we believe; we just don’t always live what we profess we believe.”- Emily P. Freeman “Never believe anything bad about God.”- Dallas Willard In Chapter […]

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