All posts in " Dark Night of the Soul "

Fierce in your defense

By Dave Henning / December 26, 2023

“God is fierce in your defense, consistent with His love, and faithful to His promises.  He will finish what He has started in you.  He delights in you.  He’s grateful to call you His own.”- Susie Larson “May you experience the love of Christ, though it is far too great to understand fully.  Then you […]


The bottle of spiritual consolation

By Dave Henning / July 12, 2021

“John [of the Cross] explained that in a season of spiritual dryness, God is weaning us from the bottle of spiritual consolation, so we can learn to trust the loving presence of Christ and bless other people, even when we’re in difficult circumstances.”- Bill Gaultiere “And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness […]

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