All posts in " desolation "

Trusting God in desolation

By Dave Henning / July 1, 2021

“Trusting God in desolation doesn’t feel like growth.  That’s because grace is working inside our soul and may not improve our circumstances.  Psychologically, we’re learning to trust our unseen and unfelt Lord and internalize his Spirit so that out of sight is not out of mind.”- Kristi Gaultiere “How long, LORD?  Will you forget me […]


Spiritual peaks and pits – lots of them

By Dave Henning / June 30, 2021

In your journey through the CHRIST stages of faith you’ll experience lots of spiritual peaks and pits.  Everyone’s experience is unique, but generally mature disciples of Jesus are likely to experience two high points separated by a valley. . . .  Surprisingly, our lows as well as our highs are expressions of God’s grace and […]

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