All posts in " downpayment "

A joint venture – transformation

By Dave Henning / January 18, 2024

“We are being transformed through a joint venture between the Holy Spirit and our own willingness to cooperate with Him.  Transformation is a process, and you will find that your relationship with God is determined by your relationship with His Word.”- Chip Ingram “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed […]


Heir with Christ of God’s Estate

By Dave Henning / December 25, 2023

“You are an heir with Christ of God’s Estate.  He has placed his Spirit in your heart as a downpayment.  What God said to Joshua, he says to you: “Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon, I have given you.’  But first you must possess it.  You must deliberately receive what […]

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