All posts in " Exodus "

A single stroke – Jesus’ death

By Dave Henning / March 21, 2023

“The cross shows that God is committed to both justice and forgiveness; there is no pitting one against the other.  When Jesus died on the cross, it meant that in a single stroke justice was done on sin and the door for forgiveness opened. . . .  We must pursue both together as well.”- Timothy […]


Eliminate shame from our relational diet?

By Dave Henning / May 30, 2020

“Although it is tempting to hope that we can eliminate shame from our relational diet, it is futile to wish for this.  Our hope is, rather, changing our response to it as we journey together toward God’s kingdom. . . .  As such  . . . we starve [shame] over time, not by avoiding it […]


A recipe for disaster – drudge through life

By Dave Henning / May 21, 2020

“Choosing to simply drudge through these days can become a recipe for disaster.  We become filled with stress, anxiety, and desperation.  All we feel invades our soul, and when the longing persists, it points us inward.”- Meredith McDaniel “By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on […]

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