All posts in " expectation "

The mysterious beauty of hiddenness

By Dave Henning / October 22, 2017

“And that’s where the mysterious beauty of hiddenness comes in.  We who live most of our days in and around the people of this world don’t naturally hide ourselves in God. . . . We respond instead to the looks and applause and the direction of others around us.  Thus, He hides us.  And masterfully.”- […]


The most challenging prayer requests

By Dave Henning / August 7, 2017

“Think of the most challenging prayer requests in your life. . . . Rather than sheepishly muttering a few half-hopeful, half-doubting prayers about that issue, begin praying bold, audacious prayers and watch what God does.”- Eric and Leslie Ludy, Wrestling Prayer “Being anchored in the goodness of God . . . [is] a stubborn, unrelenting […]

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