All posts in " fail "

Make fail your word of the year

By Dave Henning / July 11, 2020

“I encourage you to make fail your word of the year, every year.  When you cannot only accept but seek rejection, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment even if the opportunities you hoped for don’t work out.  But . . . what’s most likely to happen is that you’ll stumble into more success than if […]


“Try again. Fail better.”

By Dave Henning / November 5, 2016

“Try again.  Try again.  Fail better.”- Samuel Beckett Pastor Tom Eggebrecht writes in Chapter 9 (“Help People” of Fully and Creatively Alive that the way to improve any relationship involves honoring the other person’s dreams.  Therefore, first determine what the other person wants to do, become, or achieve.  Next, help them do it.  Tom strongly […]

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