All posts in " father of lies "

Scripture is more than our script

By Dave Henning / April 5, 2021

“Over time, your theology conforms to your reality or your reality conforms to your theology.  Scripture is more than our script; it’s our script-cure. . . .  Scripture confronts the false identities and false narratives perpetrated by the Father of Lies.  It reveals the heavenly Father’s metanarrative and the unique role that each one of […]


Satan – the father of lies

By Dave Henning / May 22, 2019

“We know []Satan’s] the father of lies, but he has spread too many of them and some are pretty convincing.  The alternative is pursuing truth.”- Kyle Idleman “There is no truth in him.  When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”- John 8:44 (NIV) In […]

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