All posts in " fireweed "

Smelling smoke? – there is fire

By Dave Henning / April 15, 2023

“If you are smelling smoke, there is fire.  And the only reasonable option at this point is either put out the fire or get yourself out of the fire.  Drawing boundaries can help put our fires before they become all-consuming. . . .  boundaries aren’t just a good idea, they are a God idea.”- Lysa […]


The crumpled areas of your life

By Dave Henning / December 27, 2022

“The Spirit . . . wants access to every square inch of our souls.  There is nothing that is hidden from him. . . .  The Spirit, like a hot iron, can straighten out the crumpled areas of your life so you’ll feel no need to hide them.”- Max Lucado Do not put out the […]


Walked away from the conversation

By Dave Henning / September 26, 2022

“We’ve muted the holy with our self-centered and isolated lifestyles, but it is not God who decided to stop talking.  It is us who walked away from the conversation. . . .  And yet, even though we’ve seemed to empty the skies of glory, we bemoan the lack of holiness we experience in the world […]

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