All posts in " flipping the script "

Cognitive reappraisal – flipping the script

By Dave Henning / March 6, 2022

“In psychology, cognitive reappraisal is a fancy phrase for telling yourself a different story about what’s happening.  It’s flipping the script by looking at your circumstances from a different vantage point.”- Mark Batterson “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good . . . the saving of many lives.”- Genesis 50:20 (NIV) […]


Flipping the script – and your inner critic!

By Dave Henning / April 8, 2021

“Flipping the script starts with your internal script.  You can’t let your inner critic — and we all have one — grab the mic and become the narrator!  If you want to bury dead yesterdays, you’ve got to tune out the negative self-talk.  Like the crew of Australia II, you have to rehearse a different […]

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