All posts in " foreshadow "

Eliminate shame from our relational diet?

By Dave Henning / May 30, 2020

“Although it is tempting to hope that we can eliminate shame from our relational diet, it is futile to wish for this.  Our hope is, rather, changing our response to it as we journey together toward God’s kingdom. . . .  As such  . . . we starve [shame] over time, not by avoiding it […]


Lament – pour out your heart

By Dave Henning / August 4, 2019

“God never allows his people to curse; he encourages them to lament.  God doesn’t expect us to bottle up our hurt and our fear, suppressing it unnaturally; he encourages us to turn toward him and pour out our hearts.”- Tina Boesch With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse […]

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