All posts in " fragile "

Our lament muscles – lean into them

By Dave Henning / September 17, 2019

” . . . we have to learn to lean into our lament muscles, to speak the weight of this sad time, to declare to God the absence of his shalom and remind him of the promises of his wholeness and newness.  To lament is to speak the reality of our formless, chaotic suffering and […]


Our great hurt

By Dave Henning / February 3, 2015

“I don’t deserve a soul, yet I still have one.  I know because it hurts.”- Douglas Coupland, The Gum Thief John Ortberg concludes Chapter 1 of Soul Keeping by observing that we speak of the soul as a source of strength, yet we also speak of the soul as fragile.  There is something about the […]

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