All posts in " God’s timing "

Impatiently wait for God’s timing

By Dave Henning / April 15, 2020

“What Sarai did may seem incomprehensible, yet if we’re honest, how many times do we impatiently wait for God’s timing in our own lives?  We can all relate to ignoring God’s rules and writing our won as we confess to our failed attempts to expedite God’s timing by taking matters into our own hands.”- Esther […]


The tick of God’s timing

By Dave Henning / November 22, 2016

It take courage to listen with our whole heart to the tick of God’s timing rather than march to the loud beat of our fears.”- Ann Voskamp “It [time] looks like a river of Nows.  Unbounded.  Broken free.”- C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters Ann Voskamp concludes Chapter 4 of The Broken Way by noting […]

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