All posts in " grieving "

Grieving – releasing deep pain

By Dave Henning / June 23, 2023

“The Bible calls the practice of grieving lamenting.  And I love the practice-based element to lament because grieving is more than an idea.  It’s an embodied way of expressing and releasing our deep pain. . . .  Lament, in particular, is a way of expressing our grief to God, while knowing we are held.”- Aundi […]


Forgiven, but still in prison

By Dave Henning / February 22, 2023

“You can be forgiven but still be in prison. . . .  True freedom is not just in receiving forgiveness, but in allowing that grace to flow through us to others. . . .  This is what unforgiveness does to us.  It puts us in a prison of our own making.  But God wants to […]


Grieving is dreaming in reverse

By Dave Henning / March 7, 2021

“Grieving is dreaming in reverse. . . .  But when you are grieving something or someone that was taken away, you wish you could go back in time.  You dream in reverse.  Instead of hoping for what will one day be, you long for a more innocent time when you lived more unaware of tragedy.  […]


Grieving how plans change

By Dave Henning / December 16, 2016

“Grieving how plans change — is part of the plan to change us.”- Ann Voskamp “He [Jesus] willingly chose isolation so you might never be alone in your hurt and sorrow.”- Joni Eareckson Tada “But this happened so the works of God might be displayed in him.”- John 9:3 In Chapter 14 (“Breaking the Lies […]


Mourning and dancing

By Dave Henning / November 6, 2015

Bill Hybels continues Chapter 9 of Simplify with a discussion of some of the seasons Solomon mentions in Ecclesiastes 3.  Today he covers mourning and dancing. 1.  Mourn or dance.  Pastor Hybels writes that any kind of loss begets a need for grief: “If you have recently experienced the loss of a job, marriage, or […]

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