All posts in " holy confidence "

Where holy confidence comes from

By Dave Henning / March 16, 2022

“Our future-tense faith is grounded in God’s past-tense faithfulness.  That is where holy confidence comes from.  We live at the intersection of two theologies, two realities.  The faithfulness of God is pursuing us from the past.  The sovereignty of God is setting us up for the future.  We live at the intersection of so far […]


How you see God

By Dave Henning / July 2, 2016

“How you see God will dictate how you see yourself, see your future, see your life.  It’s your trademark, your watermark.”- Mark Batterson Chapters 27-30 comprise The Fourth (and final) If– No Ifs, Ands or Buts About It.  In the brief introduction, Mark Batterson writes that many God-ordained opportunities come disguised as problems.  Seek God […]


The size of our God

By Dave Henning / January 28, 2016

“The size of prayers depends on the size of our God.”- Mark Batterson In Chapter 7 (“The Solution to Ten Thousand Problems”) of The Circle Maker, Mark Batterson states the answer to the question will determine the size of your prayer circles: “Is the Lord’s arm too short (Numbers 11:23)?”  Or, as the Good News […]


Holy confidence

By Dave Henning / June 24, 2015

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.  And even the very hairs of your head are numbered.  So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”- Matthew 10:29-31 “My concern is not whether God is on our side; […]

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