All posts in " honoring "

Digging into and honoring our stories

By Dave Henning / November 22, 2020

“As we do the work of digging into and honoring our stories, we begin to gain insight into why we struggle to stay in our WOT (window of tolerance).  As Dr. Daniel Siegel writes, ‘The mind we first see in our development is the internal state of our caregiver. . . .  So we first […]


Honoring our grievances = like paying taxes

By Dave Henning / September 11, 2019

” . . . honoring our grievances is much like paying our taxes.  They all come due eventually, and the longer we ignore them or attempt to medicate them with our flailings, the more penalties and interest accrue.”- Shannon Ethridge In her foreword to Aubrey Sampson’s latest book, The Louder Song: Listening for Hope in […]

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