All posts in " humble "

Go get your own identity?

By Dave Henning / March 3, 2024

“At one time people got their self-image from connecting to something more important than their individual interests — to God, or family, or nation, or some cultural configuration of all three.  Now we have to go get our own identity.”- Timothy Keller Timothy Keller concludes Chapter 6 of Making Sense of God as he notes […]


Teachable and willing – favor to the humble

By Dave Henning / October 12, 2019

“The Bible says, ‘God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble’ (James 4:6).  It’s not that God simply puts up with the proud or is indifferent to their arrogance, but he actively opposes them.  To those who are teachable and willing?  He gives grace, forgiveness, and . . . second chances.”- Bob Merritt […]


Spit first. Dig second.

By Dave Henning / November 25, 2015

“God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth.”- Matthew 5:5 (NLT) Kyle Idleman opens Chapter 3 (“Humbled to Be Exalted”) of The End of Me with this important avalanche survival tip: Spit first.  Dig second.  Pastor Idleman points out that one of the biggest mistakes people make when buried by tons […]

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