All posts in " incurvatus in se "

Abandoning the language of sin?

By Dave Henning / January 26, 2023

“Abandoning the language of sin will not make it go away.  Human beings will continue to experience alienation, deformation, damnation, and death no matter what we call them.  Abandoning the language will simply leave us speechless before them, and increase our denial of their presence in our lives.”- Episcopal priest Barbara Browne Taylor, Speaking of […]


Looking for a way out – always

By Dave Henning / July 21, 2022

“Instead of entering into the sufferings of Christ, who keeps His covenant to suffer with us, I have kept looking for a way out, any way out, always looking for an exodus out of pain. . . .  Nothing will turn your life into a colossal mess like turning inward.  All your incurvatus in se […]


The health of your attachments

By Dave Henning / July 19, 2022

“It all comes down to this: Your wholeness is more about the health of your attachments than the hellishness of your adventures.  Any reprieve or comfort from pain . . . is only for a fleeting moment till we crave a hit of more.  The reorienting truth is this: Relationship is the only rewarding reality […]

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