All posts in " inner landscape "

Internalized safety – integrate

By Dave Henning / June 15, 2023

“The idea of internalized safety is an important step in our strong-like-water work because it’s often an indication that we are beginning to operate out of transitional strength. . . .  One of the most salient channels I know [to integrate internalized safety] is through resourcing, or compassionately connecting to internal or external forms of […]


Navigate your inner landscape

By Dave Henning / July 22, 2022

“Driven and motivated to always feel okay is not a steadying way to navigate your life.  If your only way to navigate your inner landscape is to manipulate, control, and dominate your outer landscape, you’ve lost the map to joy. . . .  Just because the road doesn’t seem to be upward and onward, doesn’t […]

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