All posts in " issues "

The issues that entangle us

By Dave Henning / September 26, 2021

“For the most part, we are the ones who determine how long we will be anxious. . . .  Too often, however, we fail to deal with the issues that entangle us, and we allow worry and anxiety to settle permanently in our souls.  The result is that we lose our peace. . . .  […]


Conflicts and issues – leave in Redeemer’s hands

By Dave Henning / July 1, 2020

“When we leave conflicts and issues in the Redeemer’s hands, He can make us better than we were.  We become stronger, wiser, and deeper.”- Phil Waldrep “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse, you, pray for those who abuse you.”- Luke 6:27-28 (ESV) In Chapter 9 of Beyond […]

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