All posts in " King "

A servant acting like a king

By Dave Henning / March 3, 2023

“What will change our hearts?  The only thing that will change a servant from acting like a king is getting a view of the amazing love of the King who became a servant.  We should be in the accused prisoner’s dock, but we put ourselves in the judge’s seat.”- Timothy Keller “To see the law […]


Friendship with the King – a foundational step

By Dave Henning / November 5, 2017

“If meeting needs is my primary focus, I’ve missed a foundational step: friendship with the King.  To meet any need, I first have to hear God’s whisper about that need.”- Sara Hagerty “For this fragrant oil might have been sold for much and given to the poor.”- Matthew 26:19 (NKJV) In Chapter 8 (“The Needs […]

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