All posts in " mindlessness "

Heuristic bias – patterned ways

By Dave Henning / September 19, 2020

“We tend to think and act in patterned ways.  And that tendency to think the way we’ve always thought or do it the way we’ve always done it is called heuristic bias.  It is an incredibly complex cognitive process, but the end result is mindlessness.  . . .  And if we’re not careful, we pray […]


There will always be a Jezebel

By Dave Henning / June 23, 2017

“Elijah thought his problem was Jezebel, but there will always be a Jezebel in our lives.  The real challenge is between our ears.”- John Ortberg In Chapter 8 (“Think Great Thoughts”) of The Me I Want to Be, John Ortberg notes the effect of negative emotions.  When negative feelings hit, “your mood dips, you lose […]

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