All posts in " navigate "

Strength to navigate rugged times

By Dave Henning / October 18, 2022

“The heights can scare us.  Storms move in fast.  The weather is unpredictable.  The path narrows, grows steep and hard.  But if we can put our fear behind us, we can discover untold joy.  The heights can represent hard times in life, barren seasons of wondering.  But . . . God gives us the ability […]


Navigate your inner landscape

By Dave Henning / July 22, 2022

“Driven and motivated to always feel okay is not a steadying way to navigate your life.  If your only way to navigate your inner landscape is to manipulate, control, and dominate your outer landscape, you’ve lost the map to joy. . . .  Just because the road doesn’t seem to be upward and onward, doesn’t […]


Choosing your life verse

By Dave Henning / November 1, 2015

Bill Hybels continues Chapter 8 of Simplify with a detailed definition of a life verse: “A life verse is a short passage of Scripture that serves as a rallying cry to guide and focus the current season in your life, or your life as a whole.  Carefully chosen after prayerful consideration, a life verse resonates […]

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