All posts in " next right step "

Discerning your next right step

By Dave Henning / July 11, 2019

” . . . a big part of discerning your next right step is knowing and understanding what you really want to do.  Knowing what you want isn’t selfish, it’s actually crucial to making decisions because it builds confidence, hastens healing, and is a gift to the people you love. . . .  It helps […]


Your call — an ever-clearer vision

By Dave Henning / July 5, 2019

“The love of Jesus will give you an ever-clearer vision of your call. . . .  The more you are called to speak for God’s love, the more you will need to deepen the knowledge of that love in your own heart.  The farther the outward journey takes you, the deeper the inward journey must […]

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