All posts in " okay "

Okay or Not Okay – tune in

By Dave Henning / April 28, 2024

“If you’re having trouble determining whether you’re Okay or Not Okay, tune into your body for a minute and see if you find any clues.  Our bodies are constantly feeding us information about how we’re doing, but we have to pay attention to learn.“- Jennifer Allen (bolding author’s) And [Jesus] said to her, “Daughter, your […]


Kicked the problem up the path

By Dave Henning / April 27, 2024

“When we distract ourselves from how we’re feeling or stuff down the emotions that are begging for breath or demand that our circumstances and the people within them somehow change to conform to our whims, we’ve only kicked the problem up the path a few feet, where it will stay until we arrive.”- Jennifer Allen […]

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