All posts in " painful "

Pruning – painful or punishment?

By Dave Henning / October 7, 2023

“Pruning feels painful, but it’s not punishment.  That’s difficult to accept.  We tend to think that anything painful that happens against our will is punishment.  The dilemma, then, is that if we see pruning and refinement as punishment, we will resist it at all costs.  Instead of receiving it, we will resist it and rebel […]


Open yourself to desire – painful, even dangerous

By Dave Henning / September 28, 2018

“Desire can be painful, even dangerous.  To open yourself to desire means becoming vulnerable to loss and regret.  No wonder you try to distance your desire and settle for envy. But desire can drive you to build an abundant life. . . .  If you want to be whole, open your heart to your desire […]

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