All posts in " paradise "

The boundaries of the seasons

By Dave Henning / May 19, 2024

“Life within limits — the boundaries of the seasons — mirrors the life within limits our Father grants.  When we live where we are, we remember what we often forget: there is so much to see here, so much to consume.  We twenty-first century humans . . . climb into the worlds we see on […]


The path of obedience

By Dave Henning / September 3, 2016

“The path of obedience always leads to the life we want because it always follows the big picture God sees.”- Wayne Stiles In Chapter 11 (“What You’ve Been Waiting For”) of Waiting on God, we wonder what we can do when the life God’s given us seems radically different from the life He’s promised us.  Most people, […]


The longing for Eden

By Dave Henning / May 19, 2016

“When life begins to come together in a way we have always longed it would, something deep inside us whispers, Maybe it can always be like this . . . . It is the longing for Eden rising within us, and it is beautiful and powerful.  Only . . . it is premature.”- John Eldredge […]

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