All posts in " peace "

Fighting the onslaught of fret

By Dave Henning / April 23, 2018

“God’s sovereignty bids us fight the onslaught of fret with the sword that is etched with the words but God.”- Max Lucado “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.”- Proverbs 12:25 (ESV) Between 13 and 15 February 1945, more than 1,200 British and American heavy bombers dropped […]


Floundering between offered and answered prayer

By Dave Henning / March 31, 2018

“Have your prayers been met with a silent sky?  Have you prayed and heard nothing?  Are you floundering in the land between an offered and an answered prayer? . . . .  If so, I beg you, don’t give up. . . .  You have been heard in heaven.”- Max Lucado “Since the first day […]


How your anxiety decreases

By Dave Henning / March 16, 2018

“Your anxiety decreases as your understanding of your [heavenly] father increases.”- Max Lucado “For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,/ Which spreads out its roots by the river,/ And will not fear when heat comes;/ But its leaf will be green,/ And will not be anxious in the year of drought.”- […]


Peace is within reach- rejoice in the Lord’s sovereignty

By Dave Henning / March 15, 2018

“Peace is within reach, not for lack of problems, but because of the presence of a sovereign Lord.  Rather than rehearse the chaos of the world, rejoice in the Lord’s sovereignty, as Paul did.”- Max Lucado “There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD.”- Proverbs 21:30 (NIV) As Max […]


The peace of Christ – peace in the perfect storm

By Dave Henning / February 18, 2018

“It’s [the peace of Christ] not just peace in the midst of the storm; it’s peace in the perfect storm.  Instead of being scared out of your wits, you have a holy confidence against all odds.”- Mark Batterson “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were […]


Finding a lake with no storms

By Dave Henning / June 30, 2017

“Peace doesn’t come from finding a lake with no storms.  It comes from having Jesus in the boat.”- John Ortberg “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid.”- John 14:27 (NIV) In Chapter […]


Forgiveness- a beautiful word?

By Dave Henning / March 8, 2017

“Forgiveness is a beautiful word when you need it.  It is an ugly word when you have to give it.”- Dr. Tony Evans As Dr. Tony Evans concludes Chapter 9 of Detours, he notes that forgiveness operates on two levels: unilateral and transactional.  In this chapter, Tony explains unilateral forgiveness.  Unilateral forgiveness: occurs when you […]


Inner tranquility

By Dave Henning / January 17, 2017

“We equate external control with inner tranquility.”- Judah Smith “Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved.  In quietness and confidence is your strength.”- Isaiah 30:5 (NLT) In Chapter 6 (“A Quiet Soul”) of How’s Your Soul?, Judah Smith notes we live in a loud culture- inundated on a daily […]


Our health and wellness

By Dave Henning / January 3, 2017

“Our health and wellness don’t move from the outside in, but from the inside out.”- Judah Smith As Judah Smith continues Chapter 1 of How’s Your Soul?, he notes that our physical bodies, bank accounts, vehicles, and families get regular attention.  However, we rarely, if ever, focus on our souls.  Routine soul checkups?- almost nonexistent. […]


At peace with yourself

By Dave Henning / July 25, 2016

“Be at peace with yourself and then you will be able to bring peace to others.”- Thomas A Kempis In Chapter 12 (“I’m Angry at Myself”) of Anger, Dr. Gary Chapman begins by listing reason you may not be at peace with yourself.  When we experience anger at ourselves, it is because we: perceive ourselves […]


Steadfast anchor

By Dave Henning / June 8, 2016

“We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain.”- Hebrews 6:19 (ESV) In Chapter 9 (“The Anchoring Effect”) of If, Mark Batterson discusses what psychologists refer to as the “anchoring effect”- our tendency to rely too heavily on the first fact […]


A change of heart

By Dave Henning / April 1, 2016

“But by forgiving . . . I had a change of heart- I got myself back.”- Raul June Hunt discusses the lasts four benefits experienced when we forgive as she concludes Chapter 13 of How to Forgive. 2.  Forgiveness brings improved potential.  Ms. Hunt states forgiveness has the power to set you free from the […]

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