All posts in " perfectionism "

Distortion feeds dysfunction

By Dave Henning / April 19, 2023

“Because of the Fall (Gen. 2-3), all of us have some level of distortion or dysfunction.  We do not perceive, think, feel, or behave in the healthiest way possible at all times.  As a result, emotional distortions such as latent anxiety, shame, low self-esteem, pessimism, depression, and perfectionism (among others) dynamically interact . . .”- […]


Fear and perfectionism – our prison bars

By Dave Henning / July 19, 2020

“Too many of us live in prisons we’ve constructed for ourselves where the bars are fear and perfectionism.  The fastest way to break yourself out is to stop asking, ‘Will I fail?’ and start asking, ‘Whether I succeed or fail, will it make a great story/’ “- Jennifer Fulwiler In Chapter 11 (“You Can Live […]


Resist the Resistance

By Dave Henning / November 8, 2016

“Use every tool at your disposal to resist the Resistance, push through the trouble, climb the mountains and get the work done.”- Tom Eggebrecht In Chapter 14 (“Resist the Resistance”) of Fully and Creatively Alive, Tom Eggebrecht recommends reading The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.   Writing in The War of Art, Pressfield puts his […]


Constraints on God

By Dave Henning / August 19, 2015

Today John Ortberg discusses common myths five and six about doors in Chapter 4 of All the Places to Go. 5.  There is always a right door for every decision.  Pastor Ortberg quips that we’ll never make it past breakfast if we buy into this myth.  When we wear spiritual blinders, we have tunnel vision […]

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