All posts in " Pharaoh "

Shaky in your faith right now?

By Dave Henning / November 13, 2022

“You may be shaky in your faith right now or timid in times of confusion and doubt.  God can raise you up to complete great works for Him. . . .  [Moses’] story gives all of us an example of what it means to be redeemed from the frailties of our flesh and used by […]


Blame ourselves for our predicament

By Dave Henning / May 2, 2020

“At some point we might blame ourselves for the way life has ended up.  We think, If I had just done this differently, I wouldn’t be in this mess.  Sometimes we blame others for the heartaches we feel, and other times we blame God.  Many days the blame is scattered among all three.”- Meredith McDaniel […]


Does God have a deaf ear?

By Dave Henning / August 19, 2016

“. . . we mustn’t equate his [God’s] delay with a deaf ear.”- Dr. Wayne Stiles Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I had a dream and no one can interpret it.  But I have heard it said of you that when you hear a dream you can interpret it.” “I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to […]

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