All posts in " pillar of cloud "

Decisions everywhere-weighty choices

By Dave Henning / December 24, 2022

“Small decisions.  Large decisions.  Decisions everywhere!  We make our choices, and they make us.  Consequently, decision-making saps energy and creates anxiety. . . .  Given the weightiness of choices, how can we make good ones?  You will be encouraged by the promise of Scripture.  We can be led by the Holy Spirit.”- Max Lucado “But […]


Crave connection – we’re relational beings

By Dave Henning / May 24, 2020

“We all crave connection.  It’s not something we can escape in this life because of the way God knit us together in our mother’s womb.  We are relational beings, and God gave us those desires. . . .  Longing to be connected to people . . . can be a God-given dream.  Shaming ourselves for […]


A recipe for disaster – drudge through life

By Dave Henning / May 21, 2020

“Choosing to simply drudge through these days can become a recipe for disaster.  We become filled with stress, anxiety, and desperation.  All we feel invades our soul, and when the longing persists, it points us inward.”- Meredith McDaniel “By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on […]

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