All posts in " plot point "

The Next Right Thing: A Simple, Soulful Practice . . .

By Dave Henning / July 22, 2019

The Next Right Thing (Revell, 2019) Wall Street Journal bestselling author Emily P. Freeman’s latest book is The Next Right Thing: A Simple, Soulful Practice for Making Life Decisions.  Emily’s also enrolled at Friends University to pursue a Masters in Christian Spiritual Formation and Leadership.  First, the author observes that we all handle the pressure […]


Shades of gray along the way

By Dave Henning / June 19, 2019

“Within each narrative there are almost always shades of gray along the way.  And it’s important to name those too.  That’s what makes it a narrative and not just a moment. . . .  a story and not just a plot point.  That’s what makes it a life.”- Emily P. Freeman Emily P. Freeman concludes […]

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