All posts in " protection "

Emotionally hurt – counterproductive protection

By Dave Henning / June 20, 2020

“When we are emotionally hurt or have experienced trauma, our subconscious minds often work to protect us in ways that are counterproductive.  Shame and vulnerability are so toxic to our identities that our subconscious mind does everything it can to avoid them.”- Phil Waldrep Phil Waldrep continues Chapter 5 of Beyond Betrayal as he observes […]


A turning of our gaze in the wrong direction

By Dave Henning / July 25, 2019

“Sin is not a distance, it is a turning of our gaze in the wrong direction.”- Simone Weil, Waiting on God “When I gaze at the people and dreams I’ve left, rather than focusing on what God is calling me toward, then I’m looking in the wrong direction.”- Tina Boesch As Tina Boesch continues Chapter […]


Individuality – the most concern

By Dave Henning / July 16, 2019

“The people I know who are the most concerned about their individuality, who probe constantly into motives, who are always turned inwards toward their own reactions, usually become less and less spontaneous, more and more afraid of the consequences of giving themselves away.”- Madeleine L’Engle, A Circle of Quiet In Chapter 22 (“Walk into a […]

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