All posts in " reboot "

Empty the skies of wonder?

By Dave Henning / October 8, 2022

“Beauty nourishes the soul, promotes humility, and refines society.  When we empty the skies of wonder, our souls yearn for a holiness we ourselves have removed. . . .  We have divorced beauty from the soul and extracted virtue from the heart.”- Timothy D. Willard “You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your […]


Transactional forgiveness- reboot the relationship

By Dave Henning / March 9, 2017

“In transactional forgiveness, some amount of restoration is sought.  You seek to reboot the relationship as much as the situation allows.”- Dr. Tony Evans In Chapter 10 (“The Pleasure of Detours”) of Detours, Dr. Evans presents the topic of transactional forgiveness.  Furthermore, he discusses this second topic as modeled in the life of Joseph.  Transactional forgiveness: […]

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