All posts in " redeeming "

Only redeeming aspect of shame

By Dave Henning / January 20, 2024

“Perhaps the only redeeming aspect of shame is that even though it (shame) usually results in guilt and self-deprecation, shame can also lead us to God and His answers.  It sends us in search of a Savior. . . .  We instinctively know we need someone to rescue us from this debilitating force.  And in […]


Redeeming the voices that weary us

By Dave Henning / September 6, 2022

“Redeeming the voices that weary us requires that that volume be turned down on lies that suggest God resents us, he is ambivalent toward our sorrows, and he will not come through for us in the end.  Turning the volume down on such lies requires turning the volume up on truths that put regret, fear, […]

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