All posts in " revenge "

Buster – we all have one, or two or ten

By Dave Henning / March 15, 2020

“We all have a Buster.  Or two or ten. . . .  Maybe you’ve moved on.  If not, a question needs to be raised regarding your happiness.  Resentment sucks satisfaction from the soul.  Bitterness consumes it.  Revenge is a monster with a monstrous appetite. . . .  Left unchecked, grudges send us on a downward […]


Legitimate wounds

By Dave Henning / October 18, 2015

Bill Hybels continues Chapter 5 of Simplify with the second category to help us determine our response to those who have wronged us. CATEGORY 2: Legitimate wounds.  Pastor Hybels notes Category 2 wrongdoings are more complex, leading to legitimate wound requiring resolution and healing.  Sooner or later all of us experience legitimate wounds.  They are […]

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