All posts in " Satan "

A shouting match with Satan?

By Dave Henning / April 10, 2024

“God, meanwhile, never enters a shouting match with Satan.  Truth need not scream.  He stands permanently, quietly, pleading, ever present.  No tricks, no side shows, no temptations, just open proof.”- Max Lucado “A third time [Pilate] said to [the crowd], ‘Why?  What evil has he done?  I have found in him no guilt deserving death.  […]


Downward spiral begins with our thoughts

By Dave Henning / September 15, 2021

“Our enemy is very deliberate in the way he approaches us.  He appeals to our minds first.  We do not immediately act according to our temptations.  The downward spiral begins with our thoughts.  Our bodies simply turn in the direction our minds are facing.”- Dr. Charles F. Stanley “Finally, be strong in the Lord and […]


The thing Satan most hates – intimacy with God

By Dave Henning / August 19, 2020

“Your intimacy with God, this heart-to-heart love we were made for, this is the thing Satan most hates, and it has to be fought for.  Not just by God, by the way; don’t wait for him to make it better.  Far too many people react to God in  adolescent anger. . . .  We must […]


Satan – the father of lies

By Dave Henning / May 22, 2019

“We know []Satan’s] the father of lies, but he has spread too many of them and some are pretty convincing.  The alternative is pursuing truth.”- Kyle Idleman “There is no truth in him.  When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”- John 8:44 (NIV) In […]


Satan – death on his breath

By Dave Henning / March 23, 2019

“Sin is a lie, and its subtle suggestion are being whispered into your ears and mine right now by the one with death on his breath.  But we don’t have to simply sit and take it, trying our best not to listen.  We can do something about it.  The thing that has helped me so […]


The enemy of your God-given destiny

By Dave Henning / October 11, 2018

“But though he (Satan) is cast out of heaven, he is not out of our lives. . . .  He is the enemy of your God-given destiny and longs to be the destroyer of your soul.  Don’t dismiss him.”- Max Lucado (emphasis author’s) “Your rich commerce led you to violence, and you sinned.  So I […]


The devil – a real and present faith foe

By Dave Henning / October 10, 2018

“The Bible names a real and  present foe of our faith: the devil. . . .  The devil is a splitter, a divider, a wedge driver. . . .  He wants to take unbelievers to hell and make life hell for believers.”- Mas Lucado “Our fight is not against people on earth, but against rulers […]


When Satan throws bricks at you

By Dave Henning / September 7, 2017

“When Satan throws bricks at you, let God use them to build his kingdom by tapping into heaven and letting God solve the problem.”- Os Hillman In Chapter 12 (“Stage 5: Problem Solving”) of The Joseph Calling, Os Hillman describes problem-solving as a key component of the Joseph calling’s six stages.  The author explains: “Once […]


Look at the fruit – the tree it came from

By Dave Henning / May 19, 2017

“Look at the fruit — it will give you a good idea of the tree it came from.”- John Eldredge “Be self-controlled and alert.  Your Enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Resist him, standing firm in the faith . . .”- 1 Peter 5:8-9 (NIV) Today in […]


The key to your spiritual success

By Dave Henning / March 15, 2017

“The key to your spiritual success is focus (emphasis author’s).”- Dr. Tony Evans As Dr. Tony Evans concludes Chapter 13 of Detours, he reminds you of the need to maintain focus on the right perspective as you meander though detours to your destiny.  Even though you quite possibly feel removed from purpose, passion, and peace, […]


Understand God’s narrative

By Dave Henning / September 10, 2016

“We can’t understand God’s narrative without understanding Satan’s strategy.”- Max Lucado “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.”- James 1:2-3 Max Lucado begins Chapter 2 (“You Know Satan’s Next Move”) of More to Your Story by noting that […]

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