All posts in " self-confidence "

The big confidence test arrives

By Dave Henning / June 9, 2019

“If your confidence is in yourself, eventually that confidence will be tested and found wanting.  Some of you know what I’m talking about, because once you got by on self-confidence just fine.  That worked great for you, until the day of the big confidence test.”- Kyle Idleman “And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can […]


Examining your work life

By Dave Henning / October 12, 2015

In Chapter 4 (“From Restless to Fulfilled: Refining Your Working World”) of Simplify, Bill Hybels reminds us that we spend roughly one-third of our adult life at work.  We will have one of two experiences on the job: (a) work will add significant levels of fulfillment and joy to life or (b) it will create […]

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