All posts in " self-talk "

The pause button in prayer – hit it?

By Dave Henning / July 24, 2021

“As we unearth the real desires of our hearts, we begin to see our assumptions about God, and we see more clearly who we really are. . . .  If God is who he has proclaimed himself to be and ushers us into the prayers of the Son and the Spirit, then there is never […]


A spiritual Tomatis effect

By Dave Henning / January 27, 2018

“Maybe [problem-solving techniques fail] . . . because we’re treating symptoms while ignoring the root cause: a spiritual Tomatis effect.  Is it possible that what we perceive to be relational, emotional, and spiritual problems are actually hearing problems — ears that have been deafened to the voice of God.”- John Ortberg In the Prologue (“The […]

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